Friday, 27 March 2009

New toys

Hello friends

I have a new car and I am soooo excited.

It's black, it's only a year old, it goes quite fast (but always within the speed limit!) and I love it. I will take a picture and post it soon but I needed to share the news immediately.

Am slightly concerned that I am becoming a bit materialistic but I know I will use it for all sorts of selfless things such as giving people lifts, driving to missions etc...

Oh I can't wait until lunchtime, just to go for a little tootle again...

love The Petrolhead


lislynn said...

Congrats :) J just cleaned my car for me this week and I feel the same way about IT!

Susannah Forshey said...

So, the new car must be taking up HOURS of your time since you've not been blogging! How is every little thing?