Thursday, 12 February 2009

A flavour of Egypt

A felucca (boat) on the Nile. They've been using these for centuries...
Avenue of the Ram-Headed Sphinxes, Luxor

Looking wary outside a mosque!

Edith and her local admirers...

Transport, Cairo style

Whirling dervish

Spot the Sphinx....


Joy said...

Hello there! It is good to meet you! Actually, I have Irish blood in me as well! Though I don't look a bit like it. My Granddad is full-blooded maiden name is McDivitt. So I am one quarter Irish. My mother is full Filipino, that is why I have the dark skin and hair! I feel so blessed to have you praying for me. I definitely need it! Thanks.

Joy said...

Such beautiful pictures!

lislynn said...

Wow. I am so jealous. The problem with living in the States is that the place is so darn big we have more gravitational pull to overcome to get out of our country and actually see any of the rest of the world than you Europeans do... Lucky dog. I've literally on been off the East Coast only once in my life-- to fly to WA for Susi's baby.

The pics are awesome!